
Saturday, November 13, 2010

தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் இயக்கத்துக்கும் வேறு சில போராட்டக் குழுக்குளுக்கும் தொடர்பிருப்பதாக இந்தியத் தரப்பிலிருந்து கூறப்படும் குற்றச்சாட்டை மறுப்பதோடு, அண்மைக்காலத்தில் தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் அமைப்பின்மீது சுமத்தப்பட்ட குற்றச்சாட்டுக்கள் தொடர்பில் எமது அமைப்பு இந்திய உள்துறை அமைச்சருக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்த மறுப்புக்கடிதம்.

Head Quarters, த/செ/க/03/10
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,
Tamil Eelam.

Hon Minister P.Chidambaram
Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block
Central Secretariat
New Delhi – 110 001

Dear Sir,
Clarifications of misconceptions of our movement activities

On 19 May 2009 we, the LTTE, announced that we would cease our armed activities. Since that day we have not engaged in any activity involving arms.

We had pointed out in the past that after we were evicted from the areas that had been under our control and also cut off from all outside contacts, the Government of Sri Lanka and certain other agencies were using our name and some of our fighters who had surrendered and were involved in carrying out various destructive activities. Nevertheless, with the support of the people we are publicising, using legal and democratic methods, the false propaganda and treacherous plans of the Government.

Everyone knows that after May 2009 the human right violations committed on our surrendered fighters and on the thousands of Tamil youths arrested under Prevention of Terrorism Act as well as the repressive acts on all Tamils in the North and East are being justified by the Government as being necessary to eliminate the LTTE. These actions of the Government are being manipulated by neighbouring countries and even certain foreign countries to suit their convenience.

In the above context, we need to clarify the following points:

We have not engaged in any activity involving arms after our
announcement in May 2009 that we would cease our armed activities;
We have not attempted to regroup our organisation and are not involved in illegal activity in India (neighbouring country) or any foreign country;
We have hitherto carried out our struggle using our own resources with
the help of our people;
We have never collaborated with any external armed organisations or
paramilitary forces, nor have we given any help or support to such groups;
We totally reject and strongly condemn the malicious statements that are being published occasionally linking us with foreign armed groups; as an example, the recent statement by Indian officials that we have links with Maoist groups in that country is totally untrue;
The LTTE is an organisation that fights for the just rights of the Tamil
people, to achieve their legitimate political goal; We have only fought in
Sri Lanka against the Government and its paramilitary forces;
The aim and target of our attacks were solely to defend our people;
Even after the Government’s declaration that the war had ended, the Tamil people are continuing a democratic struggle for their legitimate rights; The International Community has accepted that the Tamils have suffered injustice. Nevertheless, the Tamils are still being threatened and repressed as LTTE or as terrorists for daring to ask for their democratic and legitimate rights.
The members of our organisation and our supporters are still being prevented from stating their defence in India or in foreign countries. We, on our part, have now expressed our desire to support the political process to achieve the Tamil speaking peoples’ rights. We will put our trust again in laws and democracy, and accept human rights code.

We request that we be given the opportunity to explain our cause – to achieve the political, humanitarian and human rights needs of our people – to the International Community. We are ready to answer all accusations against us in a court of law, respecting international laws and democratic principles. Our members are being incarcerated without access to relatives or any legal defence.

They have to be protected from groups that are trying to exploit them in Sri Lanka; their democratic and individual rights be safeguarded, and they should be given a chance to return to civilian life in the immediate future.

Yours truly,
Mr. RM. Supan,
Coordinator of LTTE head office.
Tamil Eelam

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